So, this miracle worker at our Dr. office did a bunch of research for us and was able to find a grant that a company offers for people in our situation. This grant covered this shot. So, we were than able to receive the shot. We got our first dose on February 9th and another dose on March 9th. This was very exciting news. This has made us not be so particular and protective and it gave us a little freedom as well. We also got the second dose of the flu shot, which helped as well.
The girls turned 7 months on February 4th and our Dr. advised us to start on the process of solid foods. Because we have always had rice cereal added into their milk or formula, we skipped by the cereal and went right to vegetables. This was a site. The pictures below show the first time out. They both seems to like the solid foods, but took a bit to get going with the eating routine. Though we have only had one issue (carrots gave Kandis bad diaper rash), we are still working on the process of adding one food at a time, still only feeding it once a day. The first week, again, was carrots, than we tried sweet potatoes (which they loved), and then green beans and squash. They seem to be doing good with all of them.
The girls really like their baths...
Because of the shots, we were more daring and got out of the house a bit. Our first outing, we went to a little Baby Boutique that we wanted to check out and then ended up at Shawnah's Grandparents house, which we then went to dinner at a nice restaurant with them along with Shawnah's Uncle, Aunt and Cousin. It was a good first outing! We then went back down to the lake and stayed in the houseboat with the girls. The second outing was with TJ's parents at a nice place down there. The girls also got to be babysat by Grandpa while we went to a friend's wedding reception. We had fun and it was nice to get out. We have done a couple more dinners with family and friends and it is nice to have a change of routine from time to time.
Shawnah's sister Krystah with the girls...
Kenedi and Kandis with their Great-Grandpa!
They still are sleeping good through the night with at about 10 hours per night. The schedule we set them on works great. It allows the extra time for work and yet we have tons of fun playing with the girls.

Kandis loves her toys...

Kenedi is getting to be a pro at the jump-a-roo...

They started to move onto their sides more towards the end of last month and now we are working on the rolling over to their stomachs. Kenedi could roll from her stomach to her back for a couple weeks, than all of a sudden she rolled from her back to her stomach, just this week. (Shawnah is now in trouble... the girls on the move!) Kandis isn't far behind. She can just barely get from her stomach to her back, but doesn't really understand going to her stomach.
Kandis loves her toys...
Kenedi is getting to be a pro at the jump-a-roo...
They started to move onto their sides more towards the end of last month and now we are working on the rolling over to their stomachs. Kenedi could roll from her stomach to her back for a couple weeks, than all of a sudden she rolled from her back to her stomach, just this week. (Shawnah is now in trouble... the girls on the move!) Kandis isn't far behind. She can just barely get from her stomach to her back, but doesn't really understand going to her stomach.