Wednesday, July 29, 2009

3 Weeks & 4 Days

Was nice being home. Shawnah even stayed for the morning, just relaxing around the house. More room for sure!

Girls did good without us. Both had more spells today, which is ok. They told us in the beginning that this road we're on is going to be a roller coaster ride, and it is. There are good days and bad days for sure.

They adjusted the food to start going up 1/2 milliliter every 12 hours, still being fed every 2 hrs though. So, Kenedi went to 7 1/2 at 12 pm and will be at 8 at midnight. Kandis went to 5 1/2 at noon and will be at 6 by 12 am. They will continue on this schedule until they have reached their maximum feeding amount or until they can not tolerate it. Kenedi is putting on the weight for sure, you can see it in her legs and arms. Kandis is gaining some, but can't see it like on her sister.

Kenedi was spelling back both first thing this morning and this evening. They gave her some amburterall (no idea how to spell it!), which is used for asthma patients to clear up the lungs. It worked this morning, but didn't tonight. They then checked her tube to see if everything was good and decided to replace her vent tube, which was a good call by the doc, cuz when they pulled it out, there was so much gunk clogging the tube, she couldn't get any air. She was immediately better after that.

In the mean time, Shawnah got to hold Kandis again. Doing the Kangaroo Care is so great for both Mom and daughter!

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