Saturday, August 29, 2009

8 Weeks!

Today was a big day in so many ways. First off, they are eight weeks. Can't believe that they are eight weeks old. Has been a crazy adventure.

Secondly, they got their first baths this morning. They both loved their baths, both relaxed and enjoyed the warm water. Shawnah got to bath both of them, which was so nice. TJ took a bunch of pictures!

Here is Kandis getting her bath, she stretching out to let us clean her. Here is Kenedi, also stretching out. (Look at that big ol' Belly!)

Then, Kenedi got upgraded to the cannula, which is just a small hose that goes in her nose. This does not give her breaths of air, just oxygen that is through the nose. It looks a lot better too. Plus, she is much easier to move her around. We can get her out of her bed by ourselves now. It's so nice. Kandis is not far behind, hopefully. We also got to see her face for the first time without anything thin attached.Plus, they got them put clothes on for the first time. We got matching shirts from TJ's sister (Thanks Toni) that says "I can't wear Pink everyday." They are perfect for Shawnah who swears against Pink!

Here is Kandis in her first outfit.
Here is Kandis in her first outfit.They got their weekly pictures as well...

Here is Ms. Kenedi with her cow.And here is Ms. Kandis with her Giraffe.All is all, this was a great day! A lot of good upgrades and changes. Yea for 8 weeks!

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