Kenedi is 2lbs! Yea! She has gained over 1/2 lb since birth. She is still going strong. It is all that milk she's been getting. Kandis is still trailing, but doing strong as well. They stopped the steady increase of food this evening, letting their systems catch up. We think it is a good plan. They were increasing so fast, I'm sure it is a surprise to their digestive system. Not much else happening today. They did pretty good, with just some minor spells, which is their normal.
Thanks again to all for your thoughts and prayers.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
3 Weeks & 5 Days

Kenedi has opened her eyes! Finallly! She's two weeks behind her sister with opening her eyes, but she did it faster. Kandis slowly opened them, showing little bits at a time, with one eye, than another, but Kenedi jumped right into it. In one day she opened them all the way! Yea!
The girls did good today. They got baths and even had their bandages removed from their surgery scars. The following picture is of the Kandis' back, showing that there really isn't much scar to it. Very exciting.

The foods are still getting up slowly, the 1/2 ml more every 12 hrs. They are both taking it good and by midnight tonight Kandis will be on 7 ml and Kenedi will be on 9 ml. They are growing for sure, and becoming strong.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
3 Weeks & 4 Days
Was nice being home. Shawnah even stayed for the morning, just relaxing around the house. More room for sure!
Girls did good without us. Both had more spells today, which is ok. They told us in the beginning that this road we're on is going to be a roller coaster ride, and it is. There are good days and bad days for sure.
They adjusted the food to start going up 1/2 milliliter every 12 hours, still being fed every 2 hrs though. So, Kenedi went to 7 1/2 at 12 pm and will be at 8 at midnight. Kandis went to 5 1/2 at noon and will be at 6 by 12 am. They will continue on this schedule until they have reached their maximum feeding amount or until they can not tolerate it. Kenedi is putting on the weight for sure, you can see it in her legs and arms. Kandis is gaining some, but can't see it like on her sister.
Kenedi was spelling back both first thing this morning and this evening. They gave her some amburterall (no idea how to spell it!), which is used for asthma patients to clear up the lungs. It worked this morning, but didn't tonight. They then checked her tube to see if everything was good and decided to replace her vent tube, which was a good call by the doc, cuz when they pulled it out, there was so much gunk clogging the tube, she couldn't get any air. She was immediately better after that.
In the mean time, Shawnah got to hold Kandis again. Doing the Kangaroo Care is so great for both Mom and daughter!
Girls did good without us. Both had more spells today, which is ok. They told us in the beginning that this road we're on is going to be a roller coaster ride, and it is. There are good days and bad days for sure.
They adjusted the food to start going up 1/2 milliliter every 12 hours, still being fed every 2 hrs though. So, Kenedi went to 7 1/2 at 12 pm and will be at 8 at midnight. Kandis went to 5 1/2 at noon and will be at 6 by 12 am. They will continue on this schedule until they have reached their maximum feeding amount or until they can not tolerate it. Kenedi is putting on the weight for sure, you can see it in her legs and arms. Kandis is gaining some, but can't see it like on her sister.
Kenedi was spelling back both first thing this morning and this evening. They gave her some amburterall (no idea how to spell it!), which is used for asthma patients to clear up the lungs. It worked this morning, but didn't tonight. They then checked her tube to see if everything was good and decided to replace her vent tube, which was a good call by the doc, cuz when they pulled it out, there was so much gunk clogging the tube, she couldn't get any air. She was immediately better after that.
In the mean time, Shawnah got to hold Kandis again. Doing the Kangaroo Care is so great for both Mom and daughter!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
3 Weeks & 3 Days
Feedings went up again, for both of them this time. Kenedi is getting 7 ml every 2 hrs. Kandis finally moved up to 5 ml every 2 hrs. They had a little rough of day today, Kandis ventilator tube wasn't in the correct spot, so they had to take hers out and then replace it. Besides that they are doing good. Growing and growing!

We went home for the night again. Is nice to be in our house, but miss the girls.
We did a couple pictures with Kandis, using my wedding ring this time and my hand...

We went home for the night again. Is nice to be in our house, but miss the girls.
Monday, July 27, 2009
3 Weeks & 2 Days

Both are doing good today again. Kandis is still at 4 ml every 2 hrs of food. She is just ok with the amount she's getting. Kenedi has moved up again to 6 ml every 2 hrs. She's the hungry one.
We got to do more Kangaroo Care today. TJ got to hold Kenedi for the first time, and Shawnah was able to hold Kandis again. We love holding them, feels so good. We each held them for about 2 hours. Was great!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
3 Weeks & 1 Day
So, the trip ended up being good for the most part. It started out bad though...
We got on the freeway and not three exits later, the stupid suburban over-heats! So, we pull over, realize what was wrong, so we were going to let it cool down, go back to the hospital and switch it out with TJ's truck to get back on the road. (By the way, Shawnah was not excited about leaving, this was a huge flag to her.) We turned it on accessories to role the windows down and play the radio while we wait. About five minutes later, all looks good, so we shut the hood to go back. We turned the key and the battery went dead. Nothing. (FLAG #2) So, we had to call Shawnah's Dad to come and bring us a vehicle and we called the tow company to come and take the car away and never bring it back!!! :)
Then about twenty minutes later, after Shawnah begged and pleaded for us not to go, we are driving along and a larger truck pulling a flatbed trailer with two tractors on it started coming into our lane. We are not sure if he didn't look or what, but if TJ wasn't paying attention, the guy would have hit us and probably made us role the truck (Shawnah's Dad's Truck). It was really scary. (FLAG #3)
Once we got down to T or C, we had a great time. It was nice to relax and get away, but still all we thought about was our girls. Was really great to see the family and the party ended up being great. We even got to see a couple of friends at the American Legion! (Hi guys) Was a good trip after all the flags!
We're back now and the girls did good while we were gone. They had more spells than normal, which Shawnah blames on the fact that they knew we weren't there! Kandis ended up staying on the same feeding schedule of 4 ml every 2 hrs, but Kenedi went up to 5 ml every 2 hrs. They also got measured and weighed last night... Kandis is 1 lb 11 oz & 12 3/4 inches... Kenedi is 1 lb 13 oz & 13 1/3 inches. This means that each have grown 3/4 inch since birth. Very exciting!
We got on the freeway and not three exits later, the stupid suburban over-heats! So, we pull over, realize what was wrong, so we were going to let it cool down, go back to the hospital and switch it out with TJ's truck to get back on the road. (By the way, Shawnah was not excited about leaving, this was a huge flag to her.) We turned it on accessories to role the windows down and play the radio while we wait. About five minutes later, all looks good, so we shut the hood to go back. We turned the key and the battery went dead. Nothing. (FLAG #2) So, we had to call Shawnah's Dad to come and bring us a vehicle and we called the tow company to come and take the car away and never bring it back!!! :)
Then about twenty minutes later, after Shawnah begged and pleaded for us not to go, we are driving along and a larger truck pulling a flatbed trailer with two tractors on it started coming into our lane. We are not sure if he didn't look or what, but if TJ wasn't paying attention, the guy would have hit us and probably made us role the truck (Shawnah's Dad's Truck). It was really scary. (FLAG #3)
Once we got down to T or C, we had a great time. It was nice to relax and get away, but still all we thought about was our girls. Was really great to see the family and the party ended up being great. We even got to see a couple of friends at the American Legion! (Hi guys) Was a good trip after all the flags!
We're back now and the girls did good while we were gone. They had more spells than normal, which Shawnah blames on the fact that they knew we weren't there! Kandis ended up staying on the same feeding schedule of 4 ml every 2 hrs, but Kenedi went up to 5 ml every 2 hrs. They also got measured and weighed last night... Kandis is 1 lb 11 oz & 12 3/4 inches... Kenedi is 1 lb 13 oz & 13 1/3 inches. This means that each have grown 3/4 inch since birth. Very exciting!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
3 Weeks!
Friday, July 24, 2009
2 Weeks & 6 Days
The girls are great today. They both went up again on their feedings: 4ml every 2 hours. They are hungry little gals! They are also doing well with their oxygen levels and rates. Kenedi went all night last night with room air, no oxygen helping out. Kandis' rates are the lowest they have been. The surgeries has definitely helped them progress faster and better. The nurse today told us they are very stable, and they are doing great.
We are leaving town tomorrow for a family reunion. Shawnah is very nervous about leaving. It is the longest we will go without seeing the girls. We did ask for the nurse on today to pick up an extra shift and work tomorrow. This makes us a little more at ease. We also know that either one of two nurses will be on for tomorrow night, both which we like and trust. This also helps. We will see if we are able to make it so we stay the night. Plus, we get to see our other girls, the pups! Haven't seen them in awhile and definitely haven't spent time with them in a long time.
We are leaving town tomorrow for a family reunion. Shawnah is very nervous about leaving. It is the longest we will go without seeing the girls. We did ask for the nurse on today to pick up an extra shift and work tomorrow. This makes us a little more at ease. We also know that either one of two nurses will be on for tomorrow night, both which we like and trust. This also helps. We will see if we are able to make it so we stay the night. Plus, we get to see our other girls, the pups! Haven't seen them in awhile and definitely haven't spent time with them in a long time.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
2 Weeks & 4 Days - 5 Days
Both girls are doing well. They have set them on the same schedule for feedings, easier to keep up with for the nurses. They are getting 3 ml every 2 hours. A huge jump for Kandis, but steady increase for Kenedi. They are both taking the food well. They are also having good poopy diapers!
We went home to stay the night for the first time since they've been born on Wednesday night. It was scary, but I think it was good for us. We called a couple times to make sure the girls were good, but it was still hard. We're hoping it gets easier, because there is definitely more room and more convenience at the house than in the camp-trailer. (Again, thanks Aunt Linda for the use of it!) Thanks to all for your thoughts and prayers. You are welcome to come and see the girls anytime, just let us know.
We went home to stay the night for the first time since they've been born on Wednesday night. It was scary, but I think it was good for us. We called a couple times to make sure the girls were good, but it was still hard. We're hoping it gets easier, because there is definitely more room and more convenience at the house than in the camp-trailer. (Again, thanks Aunt Linda for the use of it!) Thanks to all for your thoughts and prayers. You are welcome to come and see the girls anytime, just let us know.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
2 Weeks & 3 Days

Daddy got to hold Kandis today! (Picture Above) She got her isolate and it was a perfect time for the switch of bed that TJ got to hold her. He was so happy. He was on top of the world with the little one tucked ever so tightly in his shirt. She really didn't even sleep, it was like she wanted to enjoy it too. (Picture Above) Kandis is getting more food again today: 2 ml ever 3 hours.

While TJ held Kandis, Shawnah got to hold Kenedi. (Pictures Above) This was the first time Kenedi was held. Again, it was amazing. Such a great feeling. Kenedi is going good on her feedings and doing even better on her breathing. They are taking rates of oxygen down all the time. She seems to really like the new bed.
We got great decorative blankets for the isolates. They have covers for them, but we liked our colors better. Plus, they'll get used to them for their room at home. We are decorating the room with Monkey's, so they have little monkeys on their blankets now! (Pictures Below)

Monday, July 20, 2009
2 Weeks & 2 Days

Kandis moved up on her feedings in one day already. She is getting 2 ml every 4 hours. She is also off the pain medication, which makes her a little cranky at times, but overall she's doing good. She's still a little wiggle worm, moving in positions that does not seem comfortable to me! (Picture Above)
Kenedi has also gone up on her feedings. She is 2 ml every 3 hours, so she must be getting hungrier and hungrier! She loves her isolate. It's very quite in there for her. She does have some great body language today... (Picture Above)... I see it as "Grumpy"!
We are doing good as well. Should be a normal week, work wise for us. Have spent a lot of time with the girls, so it seems that there is not enough time for anything else, which is fine too!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
2 Weeks & 1 Day

Today, Kenedi got a new bed! (Picture Above) It is an isolate that is fully enclosed. This helps them have a more steady environment and helps them develop faster. She seems to like it so far. She is sleeping every time we go up to see her, so she must be more comfortable. She is completely off the pain medication they were giving her after the surgery, and yet she is still comfortable. She is getting even more food today. She gets 2 ml of Shawnah's milk every 4 hours. She seems to like that as well.
Kandis got her feeding tube today! She started on Shawnah's milk today and hopefully that will make her have a BM. She still hasn't in 15 days. That's crazy. She is still on some of the medication, but she seems to be coming out of it more and more. She sure is a wiggle worm and loves to kick out with her feet. (Picture Above)
Both girls are doing well, the surgery definitely seems to be helping them. We are just glad they are over. We are now on to the next step. Tomorrow is back to work for us, which we hopefully will have a somewhat of a normal week. Thanks again to all for your prayers.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
2 Weeks!

Today was a good day for both girls. More pictures with their cow and giraffe. (Above)
The feeding tube on Kenedi is working good. They upped her food, so she is getting more. TJ got to change a poopy diaper! Kenedi also got a bath today, which she is now cleaner and cuter. You can really see her hair because of it and the nurse even gave her a little bow. (Picture Above)
Kandis is recovering well from the surgery. Still a little out of it, but the drugs will do that. Seems like the surgery is working on her, just like her sister.
Friday, July 17, 2009
1 Week & 6 Days
Kandis' surgery went well today. No problems and she seems to react to it well so far. Her vent setting started to lower this evening, so it looks like the surgery is doing it's job. The staff will see how she does tomorrow and then they will look into giving her a feeding tube and an isolate.
Kenedi got her feeding tube today. She is getting 3 ml of milk (at this point colostrum) every 8 hours. This should put a little more meat on her bones. She seems to take the food well. They are waiting for a new isolate to put her in, and as soon as one becomes available, she's going to be moving! Her vent setting keep getting lowered, which is a direct result of the surgery.
Thank you everyone who kept the girls in your prayers for the surgeries. We still have a long road ahead of us, with much more needed prayers, but this was our first big step. We seem to have made it through this step, so we'll move on to the next one. Thanks again everyone who came down to send time with the girls and us, and thanks to those who sent flowers, gifts, food, etc. The thought means more than you may know.
Kenedi got her feeding tube today. She is getting 3 ml of milk (at this point colostrum) every 8 hours. This should put a little more meat on her bones. She seems to take the food well. They are waiting for a new isolate to put her in, and as soon as one becomes available, she's going to be moving! Her vent setting keep getting lowered, which is a direct result of the surgery.
Thank you everyone who kept the girls in your prayers for the surgeries. We still have a long road ahead of us, with much more needed prayers, but this was our first big step. We seem to have made it through this step, so we'll move on to the next one. Thanks again everyone who came down to send time with the girls and us, and thanks to those who sent flowers, gifts, food, etc. The thought means more than you may know.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
1 Week & 5 Days
Kenedi is recovering well from her surgery. They are hoping to move her into an incubator instead of an uncovered bed. This makes a better sound barrier and darker, which helps them grow more. She is doing a lot better on her levels since the surgery, so hopefully that is a good sign.
Kandis has surgery tomorrow morning. Again prayers are needed. Same surgery, but still scary.
We are getting more into a routine living down in the camp trailer. Makes it easier during the week for sure, that way TJ can see the girls in the morning before work without having to get up too early. Plus, with Shawnah not being able to drive, it makes it easier for her to get to the girls during the day.
Kandis has surgery tomorrow morning. Again prayers are needed. Same surgery, but still scary.
We are getting more into a routine living down in the camp trailer. Makes it easier during the week for sure, that way TJ can see the girls in the morning before work without having to get up too early. Plus, with Shawnah not being able to drive, it makes it easier for her to get to the girls during the day.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
1 Week & 4 Days

Kenedi's Surgery went great today. We got to meet with the surgeon and the nurses who were assisting before hand, but sitting in that waiting room was the most impatient we have been. Though the surgery only took about 20 minutes or so, it seemed like forever. All went well though and no complications. She looked so drugged up afterwards, it was quite funny! He face was squished because she was so relaxed.
Kandis ended up not having an infection, so she will have her surgery on Friday. Shawnah got to hold Kandis for the first time today. It was so amazing. Totally made the day. They call it Kangaroo Care, where they put the babies inside the shirt of the Mom or Dad. This gives them the closeness they need and also lets them hear your heart rate and breathing and they try to match it. Was the greatest feeling ever for Shawnah. TJ was so jealous, but understood why Shawnah got to be the first one. Kandis did so well while in there, her levels stayed the best they've been for a long time. What a great day for Shawnah.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
1 Week & 3 Days
The girls are both having a decent day. Not too many spells and their labs are all good. We find out for sure today if Kandis has an infection. If not, we can plan her surgery; but if she does, we have to keep her on antibiotics for 7 days.
Kenedi's surgery was pushed off until tomorrow, sometimes between mid-morning and mid-afternoon. There was nothing wrong with her to prevent the surgery today, there was just an emergency surgery that the surgeon had to do this afternoon.
Kenedi's surgery was pushed off until tomorrow, sometimes between mid-morning and mid-afternoon. There was nothing wrong with her to prevent the surgery today, there was just an emergency surgery that the surgeon had to do this afternoon.
Monday, July 13, 2009
1 Week & 2 Days
We found out today that Kandis has signs of an infection. They started her on Antibiotics, but that means her surgery is put off. They took some blood to do some tests on it, making sure there is or isn't an infection, but we won't know until tomorrow if there actually is one. She had a rough night last night and a rough day today. Probably her worst. Just kept having spell after spell. Tonight she has finally calmed down a bit, so we will see what tomorrow brings for Ms. Kandis. She got a blood transfusion today though her IV, than her IV was starting to swell, so they took it out. She might have to get another one later on, but for now, they left it out.
Kenedi is scheduled for her surgery for tomorrow afternoon. They do not know the time yet, because if follows another surgery, and it just depends on how that goes. So, please keep her in your prayers tomorrow. Again, it's somewhat of a routine surgery, but it is still scary. She had her blood transfusion as well. Hers was a bit harder, because they could not get an IV in her. They tried three times, but no luck. Finally they got it in and she is getting the blood she needs.
TJ took today off, so we could go to meeting and plan out the surgeries. Plus, he needed to catch up on his homework for the past couple weeks. Was nice to hang out just the two of us. We really let the girls get some good rest today and didn't bug them as much as we usually do. We even got out of the trailer and the hospital parking lot for a bit today and went to the office. Was nice to get out, even if it was a quick trip. We're hoping to get more and more comfortable doing that, so maybe soon we can sleep at home.
Kenedi is scheduled for her surgery for tomorrow afternoon. They do not know the time yet, because if follows another surgery, and it just depends on how that goes. So, please keep her in your prayers tomorrow. Again, it's somewhat of a routine surgery, but it is still scary. She had her blood transfusion as well. Hers was a bit harder, because they could not get an IV in her. They tried three times, but no luck. Finally they got it in and she is getting the blood she needs.
TJ took today off, so we could go to meeting and plan out the surgeries. Plus, he needed to catch up on his homework for the past couple weeks. Was nice to hang out just the two of us. We really let the girls get some good rest today and didn't bug them as much as we usually do. We even got out of the trailer and the hospital parking lot for a bit today and went to the office. Was nice to get out, even if it was a quick trip. We're hoping to get more and more comfortable doing that, so maybe soon we can sleep at home.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
1 Week & 1 Day

After the second round of Endocine, the PDA's on both girls is still open. The doctors decided that surgery to close them will have less risks than doing another round of medicine. We find out tomorrow when the surgeries are going to be. The surgery is a routine thing for babies this size. Here is a link to a video of the surgery, it is a little icky to watch, but it is encouraging that it is not that invasive...
Both girls got a headscan done to check to make sure there was no bleeding of the brain or any vessels that have not completely grown. We got the results back on that, and all looks well. A huge relief of good news to all the bad we've been getting.
Both girls have, what they call, spells most of the days. These spells are when they drop their oxygen and heart rates too low and they have to be brought back up with machines or sometimes bagging them to make them breathe. It is not fun to be in the room when this happens, but this is quite normal for infants of this size.
Kandis had a really hard day today, having many spells and not happy in any position. Kenedi had a good day with this, and even allowed us to take the pictures above. That is TJ's hand and his wedding ring. Absolutely amazing how small they are.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Day 7 & 8 (Happy Birthday)

The Girls Are One Week Old!
They even got cute little name tags for their beds! They also got a gift of the cutest and softest stuffed animal. We decided to take pictures with the giraffe (Kandis) and cow (Kenedi) every week, that way we know how much they are growing. They call this week the "Honeymoon Stage," meaning the first week is usually a good week, and from that point on, it gets harder.
Kenedi's PDA did not close, so they are doing another round of medication on her. Kandis finished her last dose, and hers shrunk slightly, so they put her on another round of Endocine as well. They will know more after the second round of three doses.
We found out Kandis has a VSD, which is a whole in the heart between two chambers. After the PDA is closed, this may heal naturally, but we will have to wait and see. At this point, it is not hurting her or her growth. If it were to stay open, surgery must be done, but not until they are more towards a year or so old. So, at this point the doctors are not worried about it.
We also found out that Kenedi has a lung issue where not all of the lungs are being used. They started on some therapy today and are going to keep doing that until we know more. Again, once that PDA is closed, the problem may heal itself. We just have to get those PDA's shut!
We are settling in nicely in our trailer. It is a little small for living in, but it works. Shawnah is actually getting work done, which is less stressful than worrying about getting it done. TJ's Mom stayed all week, which was a huge help, especially once we were in the trailer. TJ went back to work so Shawnah needed help lifting and organizing things in the trailer.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Day 5 & 6
Shawnah got out of the hospital. She was able to walk and do everything she needed on her own, so she was discharged this afternoon. We went home and packed clothes and items we may need and moved ourselves into Aunt Linda's camp trailer. (Thank you so much Linda!) The parking lot of the hospital has two spots where you can hook up a camper. It has water, sewer, and electric, which is perfect for what we need. So, we went and got the trailer and parked it in the parking lot and decided to live out of it until we can get more comfortable about being home. Shawnah even set up her office inside, so she can do her work (which she was so far behind in) there, during the day. The set up is perfect and close to the girls.
The girls got "upgraded" to another room. They compare the rooms like going from the Emergency Room to the Intensive Care. So, Sharon promised a cake for the upgrades, which she kept. (Pic Above) Thanks Sharon!
Kenedi got her last dose of Endocine, the medication that helps the PDA. We find out tomorrow, if it closed up or shrank or did nothing. Kandis started her doses today as well. Kandis had the photo-therapy lights taken off today, so we could see her face. (While under the lights, they where these masks that covers their eyes for protection.) It was nice to see her face.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Day 4

They started the medication on Kenedi for the artery, which we found out is called a PDA.
Above shows where the ductus is, that is still open on the girls. Kenedi's kidneys is taking the medication well, so there shouldn't be a problem there. Kandis starts in the morning on her first dose. Both the girls are on photo-theropy, which helps with the skin and nerves to adjust. For adults, it is like going into a tanning booth. Feels good on their skin too. Otherwise, the girls are going good. Their tiny little bodies are becoming more and more human like.
Shawnah is even better today. She is even walking part way down the halls and standing to see the girls for longer periods of time.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Day 3
Today was a little bit tougher day. We found out that both girls have a artery between the heart and the lungs that was open, where is should be closed. This is actually quite normal for this premature of babies. This artery closes when they are still in the uterus, but because they didn't have enough time inside, it stayed open. The doctors are going to try a medication, giving them a dose every twelve hours for three times. This can effect their kidneys, so they are going to keep a closer eye on those as well.
Shawnah is getting around better and better all the time, though the medication is doing most of it. She can feel the it when it starts wearing off. She got to spend more time with the girls today, which was very exciting.
Shawnah is getting around better and better all the time, though the medication is doing most of it. She can feel the it when it starts wearing off. She got to spend more time with the girls today, which was very exciting.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Day 2
Doctor came in and apologized for the nurses who pushed Shawnah to get up and move. He did not pass on that the Spinal did not work and that there was no pain medicine in Shawnah. No wonder she was hurting to bad. He then prescribed medication to help with the pain. The nurses then told her that because she had a catheter and an IV, she could not go into NICU. To get the catheter out, Shawnah had to walk to the bathroom twice. So, as soon as the pain meds kicked in, she was up and in there twice before the afternoon hit. She then had to shower before the IV came out, so that evening, that is just what she did. She wanted to see those babies so bad. So, by 9:00 that evening, Shawnah got to see the girls.
We had more visitors that day, all day. We want to thank each and every one of you who came by to see us and the girls. Though it might not have been shown that day, it truly meant a lot to us to be given support.
The babies mostly just had more tests done and slept. They have a ventilator tube to help them breath, an IV in their arm to get blood and medicine in and out, an IV in their belly buttons (or cords) for other blood and medicine to be taken in and out, a cuff that measures their oxygen level and their heart rate on their foot, the sticky patches on their chest and back to measure the heart rhythms, and the tiniest blood pressure cuff you've ever seen on their leg.
Day 1
Once the girls were taken to the NICU and Shawnah recovered from the surgery, they brought us into the room to see them for the first time. Shawnah was still drugged up and didn't remember much, but it was still a very joyous time. The girls were perfect, just very tiny. It was a fast visit for us, for they had to keep working on them and do all the tests that they do. They put Shawnah into a room upstairs for her recovery.
There were visitors there and everyone wanted to see the babies. First it was TJ's parents and Sister, Toni and Aunt Linda. Then Shawnah's Dad and Sister, Krystah. There were many other visitors that day, throughout the day.
Shawnah was unable to get out of bed, both from pain, drowsiness, and per doctor's orders. That night the nurses tried to get her up, but with the Spinal wearing off so early, the pain was unbearable.
There were visitors there and everyone wanted to see the babies. First it was TJ's parents and Sister, Toni and Aunt Linda. Then Shawnah's Dad and Sister, Krystah. There were many other visitors that day, throughout the day.
Shawnah was unable to get out of bed, both from pain, drowsiness, and per doctor's orders. That night the nurses tried to get her up, but with the Spinal wearing off so early, the pain was unbearable.
July 4th Babies
Hello all.
We will use this blog spot to do updates and information on the twins.
We will use this blog spot to do updates and information on the twins.
Kandis Tayler & Kenedi Rhyan were born on July 4th, 2009. They were very early, born only at 25 weeks. The girls only weighing 1lb 6oz & 1lb 6.5oz and were only 12 & 12.5 inches long.
The blog will help us update everyone at one time without having to explain details individually and repeatedly. Please comment or email us if you have any questions at all. Will be happy to answer or get back to you.
Please keep them in your prayers.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
The Birth
Once on the table, Shawnah was given a Spinal, because it was an emergency, they could not do the Epidural. TJ was then escorted into the room and was able to be there with her. The doctors cut her open and pulled out Baby A (Kandis). We both heard her squeak a little, which was a great sound. Baby B (Kenedi) then went for "high waters". She did not want to come out and went and hid under Shawnah's ribs up high. At this point the doctor had to reach way up there and find her. Once she was out, the doctor went back in for the placentas and Shawnah starting feeling everything. It was not just the pressure or pulling that she felt, it was the actual pain. The Spinal did not work like it was supposed to. The doctors then kicked TJ out of the operating room and put Shawnah completely under. They then took the babies into NICU to go over everything needed.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Leading up to the Birth
July 3rd: 6am, Shawnah woke up to her water breaking, though at the time, she did not know what was happening. She cleaned up the bed and changed and went back to sleep. But it happened again a couple hours later, in which TJ came home and took her to the hospital. By this time the water/fluid was not running out. The doctors did five different tests to see if Shawnah was in labor, but all the tests came back negative. The doctor then sent us home.
By the time we got home, it was uncontrollable. The fluid was just pouring out of her and we then called the hospital to get the doctor on the phone. She said to come back in and we would be admitted to be observed all night. Which is what we did. (By the way, the drive to the hospital is about 45 minutes, not just an easy task to do!)
After being monitored all evening and having a bunch of tests done, the hospital decided that Shawnah was in labor and the water had broke. There was a possibility that they can stop the labor from happening, because the fluid reproduces itself, but they wanted to monitor the babies all night to make sure they can handle the situation. So, Shawnah had to lay completely still all night and have the babies hearts on monitors to see if there were issues.
By morning, the doctor came in and told us that one of the babies' heart was fluctuating. The weird part was it was Baby B, whose water had not broken yet. Baby A was doing fine being in there. The doctor then told us that he would rather have the babies out where they can be worked on and monitored out in the world instead of inside me. He asked if it was ok to do a C-section. We did not hesitate on the decision and within twenty minutes, Shawnah was on the operating table.
By the time we got home, it was uncontrollable. The fluid was just pouring out of her and we then called the hospital to get the doctor on the phone. She said to come back in and we would be admitted to be observed all night. Which is what we did. (By the way, the drive to the hospital is about 45 minutes, not just an easy task to do!)
After being monitored all evening and having a bunch of tests done, the hospital decided that Shawnah was in labor and the water had broke. There was a possibility that they can stop the labor from happening, because the fluid reproduces itself, but they wanted to monitor the babies all night to make sure they can handle the situation. So, Shawnah had to lay completely still all night and have the babies hearts on monitors to see if there were issues.
By morning, the doctor came in and told us that one of the babies' heart was fluctuating. The weird part was it was Baby B, whose water had not broken yet. Baby A was doing fine being in there. The doctor then told us that he would rather have the babies out where they can be worked on and monitored out in the world instead of inside me. He asked if it was ok to do a C-section. We did not hesitate on the decision and within twenty minutes, Shawnah was on the operating table.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Start of Issues
This was also where we found out that Shawnah's cervix was thined to the point where it is very likely the girls were coming early. She was put on bedrest, only getting up for bathroom and to grab food quickly. Two days later, contractions starting happening. After talking with the doctors, Shawnah was admitted into the hospital on the 24th.
She was started on some medication that stopped the contractions, in order to stop labor. Though the technical term is pre-term labor, she had not yet gone into labor. The medication kicked in and stopped the contractions fast, but it messed with Shawnah's heart. Having attacks where her heart was speed up and cause her to feel faint and out of control, the doctors then were worried what it could have caused. After having an EKG to check to make sure the heart was ok, along with getting a ultrasound on the veins in the legs to make sure the fast beating of the heart didn't cause any blood clots, the doctors decided to switch the medication to stop the contractions. This new medication worked wonders as well on the contractions and it didn't make her react differently. Once there were a couple steady days of no contractions, the doctor released Shawnah to go home on even a stricter bedrest, only getting up to use the restroom.
TJ put a small frig and toaster oven by the bed for Shawnah to use and cook food while no one else was around. We starting moving all my work computer and information to the house as well in order for her to continue working, which gave her something to do.
* PICTURE: 1) Baby B - 3D - Week 23, 2) Baby A - 3D - Week 23
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
The Pregnancy

Shawnah had a really good first trimester. She had no morning sickness, no wierd cravings, no problems. Everything was the best that it could be. Besides being tired and a little pooch starting to show, you would not know she was pregnant. The second trimester came and was just as great, except there was energy instead of being tired. We were at the lake and camping and went on our normal busy lives. Shawnah felt good the entire time. The pregnancy was going well. We had found out that they girls, which was shocking to us. We both could have sworn there was at least of them was a boy! We had the room/the names/the lives planned out for one of each or two boys. We truely did not think they were two girls!
(PICTURE: Both babies at 16 weeks - One on top of other)
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