This was also where we found out that Shawnah's cervix was thined to the point where it is very likely the girls were coming early. She was put on bedrest, only getting up for bathroom and to grab food quickly. Two days later, contractions starting happening. After talking with the doctors, Shawnah was admitted into the hospital on the 24th.
She was started on some medication that stopped the contractions, in order to stop labor. Though the technical term is pre-term labor, she had not yet gone into labor. The medication kicked in and stopped the contractions fast, but it messed with Shawnah's heart. Having attacks where her heart was speed up and cause her to feel faint and out of control, the doctors then were worried what it could have caused. After having an EKG to check to make sure the heart was ok, along with getting a ultrasound on the veins in the legs to make sure the fast beating of the heart didn't cause any blood clots, the doctors decided to switch the medication to stop the contractions. This new medication worked wonders as well on the contractions and it didn't make her react differently. Once there were a couple steady days of no contractions, the doctor released Shawnah to go home on even a stricter bedrest, only getting up to use the restroom.
TJ put a small frig and toaster oven by the bed for Shawnah to use and cook food while no one else was around. We starting moving all my work computer and information to the house as well in order for her to continue working, which gave her something to do.
* PICTURE: 1) Baby B - 3D - Week 23, 2) Baby A - 3D - Week 23
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