The feedings were upped one more time. Kenedi is on 13 ml and Kandis is getting 12 ml every two hours. This is making them grow. They were weighed and Kenedi is 2 lbs 2 oz and Kandis is 1 lb 15 oz. They are getting stronger and stronger. Spells are starting to decrease more and more, which helps with their breathing.
We looked back on their pictures from the beginning and can completely see how they have grown. This makes it easier for us to see, because when you see them four time a day, it doesn't seem like there is much growth. Their legs are getting chunky and they've got little bellies! So exciting! Plus, they love Mommy's milk, which is nice to know.
We are still living out of the trailer during the week. We plan on going home on the weekends more often, to get stuff done and just be in our bed and relax a bit. Picture below shows our set up at the hospital. The security building is right there, plus we have shad/vines in the back! Even lawn chairs and a BBQ grill are present! Sometimes we forget we're in a parking lot!

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