Kenedi Rhyan
They are both gaining weight and doing good. Kenedi hit SIX pounds last night. That is crazy, she's gains a pound in less than two weeks! She is getting 53 ml, which is slightly more than 1 & 1/3 oz of milk every 3 hours. Kandis is not far behind at 5 lbs 8 oz. and is getting 48 ml of milk every 3 hours. They are still taking some of this by mouth and not feeding tube. Kandis is going strong, still taking the bottle or breast feeding 4 times a day, which is half of her feedings. Kenedi they slowed down a bit to give her a little more time. On Thursday, they gave her a swallowing study, where a camera goes down and sees what she is doing, because she was choking more than she should. They found that she is holding the milk in the back of her throat and then trying to breath, which doesn't work. So, they are going to give her a little more time to get adjusted. The Occupational Therapists are going to feed her once a day by bottle and then Shawnah breast feeds once a day, because that seems to be ok. Shawnah breast fed both girls at one time this week, which was a first. It was complicated and difficult to get situated, but was really cool once they were settled.

The oxygen has changed a little. They are both at 1/8 liter, and they are off the blended oxygen and on straight oxygen. This is nice because when it was blended, it shoved water up their nose from the moisture from time to time, which doesn't which seems to help with the spells. They really haven't had too many bad spells in the past couple weeks. They still have a couple here and now, but that is about it. Plus, they can go home on oxygen that is not blended, so it is just another step.
They both got head scans again this week, which they both came back normal. We were explained that this was huge. Most premature babies have some sort of head bleed, but ours never have. It is amazing.
Shawnah's birthday was Monday, so we ended up having a couple people over to celebrate and to watch Monday night football. Was a lot of fun. Something different. We are trying to do as much as we can now, because soon we won't be able to do this type of stuff. Today, we went around and did errands and then finished up setting up the girls rooms and stuff. It looks great!
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