The girls are doing amazing and we have had a good January. Somehow, it has flown right by. They are truly happy babies and get very excited when Mommy or Daddy come around. They are still hesitant to strangers, but it is understandable because we do not leave the house. We are still being careful of everything and thankfully none of us have gotten sick. We have steered clear of all the flues and such so far.
Kenedi and Kandis are still sleeping though the night and we sometimes can even go up to 12 hours. Mostly they are getting between 8 and 10. We are getting them set on a schedule that we like so we can survive as well. It also allows Shawnah to have some time to get some work done, both for the company as well as the house. It also allows us to have some time in the evening for each other, which is much needed.
The girls got the first round of the flu shots this month, which comforts us a bit. We still are very careful about going anywhere and who comes up to the house. They are growing like crazy and according to our scale, the girls are up to 11.5 lbs for Kandis and 12 lbs for Kenedi. They are eating well and seem to enjoy their food. They are up to 6 ounces for every feeding. We are down to feeding 5 times a day. The medication decrease for the Previcid was not successful. We ended up play around with the doses a bit to find the perfect match and we are sticking to that for a bit now. Without the medication, their reflux is just terrible and they are not happy, which makes us frantic and stressed. So it is a win/win for everyone!
Here are some January pictures for all to enjoy....
They are starting to push themselves up slightly when they have their "Tummy Time". Kandis is getting a bit better than Kenedi, but Kenedi is determined! Top is Kenedi and Bottom is Kandis.
Do they act like twins or what!
Naked babies! They love the freedom of nothing around or on them... Look at those HUGE milk bellies!
They love their jumpers! Kenedi is in the white one, Kandis in the green. They are a bit small for the jumpers still, so we have to put a box underneath! They love to hang out in these and are starting to figure out what is going on with these contraptions! Below - Kandis checking everything out. Kenedi is amazed by the new toys!
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